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What Are Student Surveys Good For?

Lately there has been a contentious discussion in the media about self-report surveys that measure students’ social and emotional skills. For example, in a recent New York Times Op-Ed, University of Pennsylvania researcher Angela Duckworth expressed her concerns about using measures of character strengths in evaluations of school and teacher quality, in response to others that are championing their use for this purpose.

So, how should schools gather and use data on social and emotional skills?

We know that these non-academic skills are vital to young people’s success in school and life, but what is the best way to identify if young people have these skills? Can surveys about character strengths be considered valid and reliable measurement instruments? Should the results of these surveys be used for accountability purposes in schools?

Join us on Wednesday, May 4th from 12:00PM to 1:00PM CDT for “What Are Student Surveys Good For?” a free webinar led by Dr. Kent Pekel. This webinar will address the growing debate about student self-report surveys and how schools can use these measurement tools to help youth succeed in the classroom and beyond.

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