
    Together for Thriving Youth

    At Search Institute, we believe in the potential of young people—their unique strengths, passions, and the limitless possibilities that arise with the right support. Yet, despite the progress made in the field of Positive Youth Development (PYD), too many young people are still seen through a deficit-based lens, with barriers to access the resources they need to thrive.

    As we celebrate our brand refresh, I am excited to share how this moment represents much more than an update in logo. It signals a renewed commitment to transforming the way we see and support youth. Our mission remains focused on building and supporting ecosystems where all young people have access to the relationships and resources they need to thrive, and now we’re amplifying our efforts to meet the demands of today’s complex challenges.

    A Legacy of Changing the Narrative

    Since the early days of the PYD movement in the 1990s, Search Institute has been at the forefront of shifting the narrative surrounding youth. We moved from seeing young people as “problems to be fixed” to viewing them from an assets lens with immense potential. This was a revolutionary idea at the time, and our work has since helped educators and youth-workers around the world adopt a strengths-based approach to youth development.

    But our work is far from finished. The challenges young people face today—from social isolation to systemic inequality—are more complex than ever. The deficit-based narrative persists in new forms, and youth often feel unheard in the systems that should be supporting them. In response, we are committed to not only continuing our legacy of challenging these narratives but also expanding our approach to inspire and support systemic, whole-ecosystem change.

    A Strengths-Based Approach Rooted in Research and Practice

    What sets Search Institute apart is our ability to integrate rigorous research with the lived experiences of youth and the wisdom of  adults working with youth every day. We believe that meaningful change happens when research is not just theoretical but practical and adaptable to real-world settings. By co-creating research-informed solutions with those who work directly with young people, we ensure that our frameworks and tools resonate deeply and drive lasting impact.

    Our refreshed brand emphasizes this holistic, collaborative approach. It reflects our commitment to work within and across sectors to dismantle silos and create a more cohesive, supportive network for youth. Together, we are building a youth support ecosystem where young people from all backgrounds can thrive, not just survive.

    Transforming Through Collaboration

    We know that the key to lasting impact lies in collaboration. At Search Institute, we work hand-in-hand with leaders, educators, youth workers, families, and community partners across sectors to foster innovation and co-create solutions that work for real people in real communities, and most importantly that have real impact on young people. Today, this collaborative spirit is more important than ever. The challenges facing our youth are systemic and require collective action.

    Through these partnerships we are building bridges between research and practice, and between youth and the adults who support them. We are committed to creating the conditions for thriving by equipping adults with the tools, training, and insights they need to make a difference.

    A Vision for Thriving Youth

    Our vision remains clear: a world where all youth have what they need to thrive. This vision drives everything we do, from the way we conduct our research to how we engage with partners and develop solutions. But we know that achieving this vision requires more than just good intentions—it requires a bold, unified effort from everyone who has a stake in the well-being of young people.

    As we move forward, our work is laser-focused on working together with youth, adults, organizations, and communities around this shared vision of youth thriving. We are committed to breaking down barriers, amplifying youth voices, and empowering adults to create environments where young people can reach their full potential.

    Looking Ahead

    The world has changed since Search Institute first began its work, and the challenges facing youth today are as urgent as ever. But I am confident that with our renewed focus, expanded collaborations, and a bold vision for the future, we are well-positioned to meet these challenges head-on.

    Our brand refresh is more than a new look—it’s a reflection of our enduring commitment to the youth support ecosystem and a call to action for everyone who cares about the well-being of young people. Thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we will create a future that supports all thriving youth. When youth thrive, we thrive as a community.